Arcitectural render created in 4-5 weeks as part of my bachelor paper

Architectural visualisation

My bachelor-paper at HiNT had to be divided into two parts: the actual written paper with all the research and theory, and a practical component where we have to produce something based on our discoveries. Basically putting the theory to the test.

My goal during the production part was to create a rather photorealistic architectural visualisation. Since we only had 4-5 months to write our papers at HiNT, I had to work fast during the production-part which was probably about 1 month from these 4/5 months. I used all the theory from my paper to create this final render.

Feel free to have a look at the final paper. It’s written in Norwegian, but a lot of english terminology is used because of the lack of Norwegian words/terms in CGI. In my bachelor-paper I address the following problem:

“Which techniques in lighting, shading, rendering, and postprocessing should be used to achieve photorealistic 3D-graphics?”

Image gallery

Before/after post

Lighting techniques